Botanical name: Rumex acetosa
Family: Polygonaceae
General Information
Common Sorrel is a perennial weed that belongs to the dock family.
It is rarely a problem in well maintained lawns, being more common in low maintenance lawns throughout the UK. The Common Sorrel can grow to nearly one meter high.
- Leaf: The leaf is oblong in shape bourn on a short stalk. The ears at the base of the leaf point downwards giving it an arrowhead effect.
- Flower: Common Sorrel flowers between the months of May & June with small green flowers than turn red as they mature.
- Roots: Common sorrel has a deep taproot.
- Preferred habitat: Common Sorrel prefers soils with a low pH (acid)
Common sorrel images (click image to enlarge)
Prevention and Control
Hand weeding is the preferred method for this weed if only a few plants are present in the lawn taking care to remove the roots. Regular mowing should discourage this weed as it doesn’t like close mowing typical of lawns.
If chemicals are to be used choose a selective weed killer with MCPA or a 2,4-D mixture and a repeat application 6 weeks later will be necessary.
Recommended selective weed killers for Common Sorrel.
- Verdone Extra (fluroxypyr, clopyralid & MCPA).
- Westland lawn weed killer (2,4-D, mecoprop-p & dichlorprop-p).
- Westland lawn feed, weed & moss killer (2,4-D & mecoprop-p) includes a fertiliser.
- Westland Resolva lawn weed killer (MCPA, mecoprop-p & dicamba).
- Vitax green up lawn weed & feed (2,4-D & dicamba) includes a fertiliser.
- Vitax green up lawn weed & feed + moss killer (2,4-D & mecoprop-p) includes a fertiliser.
- Doff lawn spot weeder (2,4-D, mecoprop-p& dichlorprop-p).
- Evergreen Complete (MCPA, mecoprop-p).
- Evergreen feed + weed liquid (MCPA, mecoprop-p & dicamba) includes a fertiliser.
Apply selective weed killers from April to October when the weeds are actively growing for the best results.
When applying chemicals to lawns always follow the manufacturers application recommendations and the health and safety guidelines for the best results.